After a long – anticipated wait for Drake’s return upon his success at C2C festival earlier this year, the day had finally arrived. Once appearing on American Idol and America’s Got Talent, now at only twenty – six years of age, Drake Milligan has set off on his first – ever UK headlining tour, titled ‘Jukebox Songs’. We were fortunate enough to be at his first UK show, on Wednesday 17th July, 2024. With a Drake show comes great showmanship and entertainment. So, when he entered, the memories from C2C came flooding back and I soon remembered why I love this talented musician so much.
Support for the night was Luke Flear, a singer / songwriter from Leeds who played a few of his own songs and an uplifting rendition of Bon Jovi’s ‘Wanted Dead or Alive.’ My friends and I actually commented that when he walked on the stage he looked like a young Jon Bon Jovi, and he didn’t disappoint with a cover of one of the best Bon Jovi songs out there. He also did a superb cover of Keith Urban’s ‘Somebody Like You’ which won the crowd over with a rousing sing – a – long and warmed everyone up nicely for the main event. He proved himself as a talented musician playing both guitar and the keys during a beautiful ballad. Luke released his debut album in 2022 titled ‘Sounds Country to Me’ and we look forward to seeing what he does next.

Entering performing an electrifying rendition of ‘Blue Suede Shoes’ originally performed by Carl Perkins, not only got the crowd buzzing, but soon proved Drake’s ability to be a performer and an entertainer at the same time. Not all artists I have seen are able to do this, or do it as well as Drake Milligan can, and it makes the music more enjoyable.
Drake was soon to come on with his guitar in hand, perform little choreographed dance – numbers with his band and even do a swivel on the stage with his guitar in hand at the end of his first number, and in the heat too, all whilst wearing a jacket, impressive if you ask me! One of my favourite numbers from the night was ‘Bad Day to be a Beer’. Again, Drake showcased his showmanship through his guitar playing and audience interaction when he encouraged everyone to hold their beers up and sing along.
There was an impressive mix of slower and upbeat songs, evident when he performed ‘Dance of a Lifetime.’ The crowd was silent, and Drake was singing from the heart, telling a story that I imagine, is somewhat relatable to fans. As Drake himself said that his fans have used his slower songs as wedding songs and even requested them to be played on the night through his Instagram broadcast channel. I thought this was a fantastic idea – to ask his fans what songs they would like to hear on the night as he clearly wants to play something for everyone and make the night extra special.
Now one of my favourite things about Drake Milligan as a performer are the covers he plays. I remember really liking that at C2C when he played the Sunday night, as it not only proves his awesome entertaining side, but his knowledge and depth of country music. One of my favourites he performed as part of his C2C Sunday after-show set was ‘Pretty Woman’ originally performed by Roy Orbison. More rock and roll than country, however, I really liked his version and thought he fit the bill as a young, country-era Elvis. His voice live is on point, and his ability to fluctuate between notes and tones all while performing is really fantastic, especially when performing covers.
With his moves came another great rendition, that of Johnny Cash’s ‘Folsom Prison Blues.’ This had the whole crowd clapping, dancing, and cheering along, myself included. This is a particularly hard song to cover, and Drake’s version has to be one of my favourites as he is so authentically country. From his moves, his voice, and his attitude he makes it seem as if he is Johnny Cash revived. I also found this upbeat cover enjoyable, as when I was younger, I have memories of this song being played in my house by guitar and on the jukebox, coming from a musical family. It is a song that not only introduced me to country music but has memories with it and therefore I will always love to hear a good cover of it at a gig and it seems to be one of the most popular, as Darius Rucker and Tyler Booth also covered it back in May.
Drake’s band really added to his showmanship and kept the night lively and engrossing. They harmonised with him, danced with him, and participated in his audience – teasing, when he kept hanging onto notes before diving back into a song. Their ability to all work together on stage in unison and interact with the audience and each other at the same time is amazing.

Another one of my personal favourites performed was ‘Over Drinkin’ Under Thinkin’ in which Drake encouraged everyone to be ‘’over drinkin’’ in London on the first night of his UK headline tour! He seemed genuinely happy to be so welcomed by the audience to the UK, and it felt incredible to be there to see him live on his first ever UK headlining tour. I think he is going to soon get a much bigger fan base as he progresses as he is such a talented young man. He has had a good start in his career, having being cast in the CMT series ‘Sun Records’ and having his acting big break in the film ‘Nobody’ in which he played a young Elvis Presley. Again, his ability to act, sing, dance and just be an all – round fabulous entertainer works in his favour in boosting his musical career and fan base. I really look forward to seeing what Drake does next, and hope he makes his way back to the UK very soon.
Of course, the hit ‘I Got a Problem’ made its way into the set and my … what a reception it got! We knew it was coming the second he started to strum his guitar and the beat of the drums made the floor vibrate. Evidently, this is one of his top hits and this was mirrored through the energy of the crowd; when the beat kicked in, feet started to stomp and hands started to clap, paving the way for the hit to be welcomed energetically. This feelgood tune was taken over by the crowd and it was amazing to hear everyone singing along. However, the audience reaction is only evident of his growing popularity in the UK.

Towards the end of his set, he played his Christmas song ‘Cowgirl for Christmas.’ This song being played is probably my only criticism of the night as I’m not sure how I feel about Christmas in July… However, he had everyone singing along and it made the security man smile! It was definitely different, but I do think it makes a good Christmas song.
From flashing lights, to mirror balls and the holding of fans hands, I would say a Drake Milligan concert is something that must be experienced! As the venue was small, it felt intimate, and it was really cool to be there on the first night of his UK headline tour. It was extremely hot in the venue, and when a few ladies passed out Drake made sure to stop his set and make sure they were okay, exercising his caring nature as a musician, one in which he cares about his fans evidently which is always a good thing for me.
We had an enjoyable night overall. It was a much needed honky – tonk party with great friends, and I really look forward to seeing Drake return to the UK in the future along with his talented band. If you have the chance to get tickets for a UK show, go!