One of the best days of music my friend and I had ever experienced!
Drake Milligan absolutely rocked the house down with his renditions of hits such as ‘Pretty Woman’ and ‘Ring of Fire’ as well as forcing everyone out of their seats to dance to his own feel – good tunes.
Elle King was both poignant and energetic with hits such as ‘Lucky’ and my all – time favourite, ‘America’s Sweetheart.’ Watching the star perform ‘Lucky’ definitely reduced me to a few tears – I still can’t get over seeing not only Elle King but most of the amazing artists that were there over the weekend, it truly was amazing and what’s better than to spend it with awesome friends too!
Brothers Osborne never fail to amaze me, and I thought Old Dominion had a lot to live up to after many fantastic guitar solos and such great audience engagement! However, Old Dominion left us all buzzing and still smiling to the day after closing the final amazing night at C2C. Opening with ‘Make it Sweet’ carried on the feel – good Brothers Osborne atmosphere and saw the start of the end bring so much joy to the whole arena. Despite the technical difficulties with the sound Old Dominion were still fantastic when harmonising. All hits performed, we were sure to walk away smiling and still are today!
Sunday’s atmosphere was all – round incredible including the stages throughout the day, my favourite being Song Suffragettes at the Saloon which was a great start to the day especially after performing a cover of the crowd-pleasing country anthem: Marren Morris’ ‘My Church.’
Of course the music is a massive part of what makes the weekend amazing, but also for me it’s getting to spend it with amazing friends, trying new drinks and exploring independent stalls and discovering smaller artists throughout the day! The after party on Sunday was one of the best atmospheres ever. Everyone was up dancing the night away to Drake Milligan without a care in the world, just celebrating music in a safe atmosphere where no judgement is guaranteed! All in all a fabulous day and we cannot wait for next year already. Bring it on!