BY MARK DARE from Country Over Easy Radio Show
I was very lucky to be asked to have a chat to Everette (Anthony and Brent) by their UK PR Company whilst at Buckle and Boots Country Music Festival. They are both great admirers of the UK audiences who, they say, attentively listen to the performances and, do you know, it’s hard not to listen and enjoy. Their music covers many influences and it is this mix of flavours that makes them so eminently listenable to.
They played twice at the festival, a full band set on Saturday evening and an acoustic ‘in the round’ along with Austin Jenckes, Jessie G and Deborah Parlor. Both appearances were truly excellent and well received by the crowds.
1 MD: Hi guys, thank you so much for taking some time out to chat, and thank you so much for once again bringing awesome weather with you!
Everette: Yes we do seem to have great weather every time we travel here, so maybe it’s a thing? Maybe we should move here?
MD: Please keep returning, and you’d be very welcome as full time residents. So, you’re both originally from Bullitt County, Kentucky, how did you meet?
Anthony: Well Brent came to me for guitar lessons, that didn’t work out but we remained friends.
MD: Yes and then you both moved off to University of West Kentucky, in Bowling Green, and so the musical journey begun and we, as listeners, are very glad you did.
2 MD: Your latest releases, Kings of the Dairy Queen Parking Lot, was split into 2 seven track EP’s two years apart…was that a deliberate action?
Brent: That’s a really good question…we had many more tracks at that time, around another 18 on top, but we had to stop at the 14. We were due to play C2C 2020 and then COVID hit…we wanted to make sure as many ears as possible got to hear it so we released the first part and thought it might go on for a few months maybe, but in the end we couldn’t release until it was all over.
MD: A fantastic mix of influences on these discs, is Side A and Side B just that, or is it maybe ‘Side Anthony’ and ‘Side Brent’ ?
Everette: <Joint laughing>
Brent: we’ve never been asked that before, I love that! No just a regular Side A and B.
3 – MD: You’ve just toured in Germany with Austin Jenckes, how did that go?
Brent: Really great, and we had Stephen Wilson, Jr. Just a great collection of friends, it was excellent!
MD: I will check out Stephen for sure…what were the German audience like?
Everette: Really great, very good listeners like the UK. On the first date in Munich the crowd kept asking us for encores. We did 3 in the end, but were thinking ’stop asking for more….we don’t know what else to play!!’
4 – MD: Any new music in the works?
Everette: yes we have a bunch of music ready to go, and some songs we can’t wait to share with everybody. Just working on giving the next release it’s own identity; the songs will always be us but we want each record to have it’s own special fingerprint, you know? We’re also considering making it an acoustic release as people seem to like hearing us in that setting, so these are the kinds of things we’re running through at the moment.
5 – MD: I’ll ask this to each of you separately. If you had the choice of a piece of music to walk out on stage to that you believe represents you perfectly, what would it be?
Anthony: Well we had that opportunity in the States and, for me it was Muddy Waters, Mannish Boy, heavy heavy sludgy blues.
Brent: For me it would be Get Behind the Mule from Tom Waits. This journey hasn’t been the easiest for us both at times, and in the tough times we’d call and say we just have to get behind the mule in the morning and plough. Again, sledgy blues.
Anthony: Apparently we like sledgy blues.
Brent: Yeah that swampy sound man.
6 – MD: Just one more observation from me…I noticed your social media tags are ‘we are everette’, and that includes everyone involved in making and listening to your music…everybody is part of the Everette family.
Brent: Thanks so much for picking up on that, not many people do…yes, everyone involved in the journey is appreciated and is more than welcome on the journey with us. Also thank you so much to the British audiences. We’re always welcomed and asked to come back. We see the country scene growing every year, and will return soon for sure.
MD: Great to talk to you both, and I’ll see you in Nashville again at CMA Fest on the Hard Rock Stage next week.
Everette: Look forward to it!
Keep in touch with Everette’s journey at